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Childs Hill and Claremont Primary Schools joint visit to Cardfields

Childs Hill and Claremont Primary School’s was welcomed to Cardfields for their first ever joint federation school journey.  A fun packed week of outdoor activities was organised for the children including:

  • Orienterring and compass reading
  • 6 mile hike to Heather Hills
  • Shelter building and bug hunt
  • BMX biking
  • Andy Goldsworthy natural sculpture
  • Science challenge and activities
  • Pond dipping and identifying insects
  • Team challgenges and much more..

The children had amazing time trying their hand at new skills and making new friendship groups. Schools worked really well together, and joint partnership was a success!

Below is a poem written by a pupil:

“Cardfields is a place full of fun, this is where everyone could run. Everyone is nice and really helpful, we get really joyfull. On Tuesday, we met a slug named Doorbell, this is a story we could tell.  Look up the trees are tall as a giraffe, everyone plays around having a laugh.  Autumn is a great place, with many challenges we face. Two schools united together, friendships stays forever and ever!”

To book your school journey contact Cardfields.