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Art (block printing)

Children will have the opportunity use reference books to identify leaves. Produce a printing block and understand that printing is a production process.

Art (Natural Sculpture)

Children will be able to use natural materials to inspire a sculpture. Work in the style of an artist (Andy Goldsworthy). Collaborate on a project as part of a team and adapt natural materials to use as tools.

Art (Screen printing)

Children will have the opportunity to design and make a printing template. Select a range of colours to produce a desired effect. Make effective use of a printing screen and re-producing an image.

At one with Nature

Children will have the opportunity to explore Cardfields grounds collecting different types of minibeast such as ladybirds, bees, woodlice and spiders as well as identifying bugs. They will then build their own ‘minibeast hotel’ using twigs, hollow stems, dead grass, pine cones and dry leaves creating a warm, dry space that will attract different creepy […]

BMX Biking

Children can have the opportunity to learn how to ride a BMX bike on the beginners track as well as children who are confident riders can use the more advance track.

Bronze Age Clay Pots

Children will explore Bronze Age art and culture. Develop clay modelling skills an improve sculpture techniques.

Bush Craft

Children will learn how to light a fire, cook on fires, shelter building and make natural arts and crafts.

Cross country walk including orienteering activity

Children will learn how to apply compass skills in a practical setting. Follow directional instructions to arrive at a destination and work as a member of a team.

Freshwater study (pond dipping)

Children will use identification keys, classifying invertebrates. Learn about the features of freshwater habitats, invertebrates and pollution indicators.


Children will develop their understanding of how plants grow, from seed to harvest. The jobs required to support and sustain healthy growth of plants and the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables in a healthy diet. Children will also learn the correct use of tools and gardening equipment.

Offsite Activities

Cardfields offers a broad range of off-site activities. We work closely with specialist organisations to provide safe, qualified instructors to provide archery, trebuchet, canoeing, bush craft, horse riding and high ropes. We can organise some of these activities in the Cardfields’ grounds, reducing the need to arrange transport. We also have a broad range of […]

Orienteering at Cardfields (using site plan)

Children will be able to navigate a course using a site plan, locate bases using site plan and work together as a team. Children will be able to identify key features of a compass, know how a compass works, set and use bearings on a compass and apply compass skills in a practical setting. Children […]

Paper Engineering

Children can use their creative skills to invent amazing sculptures from paper. Paper Mill Lock Children will learn about the history of the paper mill, how the lock works and transportation of goods around London. Children walk to the lock past the River Chelmer.

Seed Dispersal

Children will develop their understanding of why seeds are dispersed, how seeds are dispersed in a variety of ways and seeds as a food for animals, including humans.

Team Challenges

Children have the opportunity to take part in various team challenges such as dry skis, toxic waste, head skittles, blind fold trail and walk the plank.

Tree Study at Cardfields

Children will develop their understanding of using identification keys, classifying trees, estimating and measuring the height and age of a tree. They will also learn about life cycles relating to trees.

Victorian Christmas

Part of the celebration at Cardfields children have the opportunity to step back in time for a themed day to experience the smells, tastes, games, stories and crafts of a traditional Victorian Christmas in a Victorian country house.

Woodland study

Children will develop their understanding of using identification keys whilst walking to Heather Hills. They will learn about the environment, classifying woodland creatures and why they thrive in specific habitats. Classifying the age, height and measuring of trees which link in with schools curriculum around habitats, life cycles and food chains.